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  #1342 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2012, 12:40 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Why not switch jobs to find out? The recent Hay's survey will also provide a reference point. I feel that there is an expiration date for the term "underpaid". No one owes you or me an obligation to increase our salary, so over time if you feel your company isn't paying you the market rate, it is really up to you to raise it with them or to seek alternative employment. If I were you I would consider hiring a recruiter to help. My sister is working in a foreign bank and she was recently head hunted. Didn't make the move in the end because her company counteroffered. Instant pay raise of 20%. If your work is valued by the market you might want to consider this via recruiters. Mark yourself to the market.
Hi, Thanks and appreciate your advices.
I have decided to talk to my boss next week after knowing how much a foreign talent of similar responsibilities are earning. It's about twice of mine which I find it ridiculous. I like my current job but I just can't survive with such a salary compared to peers. And also recently there are more and more work load and responsibilities. I have not had any major increments for the past 6 years and peanuts annual increment. Not even half of inflation rate. I guess it's time.

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