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  #3598 (permalink)  
Old 14-04-2022, 12:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I’m under TAP but I only got my promotion in my second year (CL 10 after 2 years). Was wondering if I can only be promoted to CL 9 consultant after 2 years or possible for me to get promoted within a year? Because in the previous page, someone said need to clock
2 years as CL 10. Thanks!!
Anything is possible, like what they said - based on readiness.

But can assure you, unless you fulfil most of the conditions.
- Your project has big budget
- You're close with the management and they support you (because their support is what makes up mostly why you will be considered for promotion discussion)
- Your CC is one damn good CC
- Your story (it works together with your project supporting you for promo since it has to be in line with your client account feedback lol, else your CC has to explain damn hard)

Else, 1 year? you will be glad to even be promoted by the 2nd year.
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