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  #4754 (permalink)  
Old 23-03-2022, 08:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
QUOTE=Unregistered;209831]After all the deductions, you only get 8k+ for the first payout. If you ask me if it’s worth it to wait 1 year for ard 9k, I will say no. You can gain more experience out there in that 1 year.
Can you explain why its 9k? Even after 20% cpf deduction (which is still your money anyway), take home should be around 12k right? What other deductions are there? Those who have taken 4th year CONNECT plan before (which I'm sure is most seniors here), can advise how much you got?

Also, how long is the notice period usually? Let's say if I plan to quit 31 March after PB, when should i throw letter? and who to throw to? P or HQ?[/QUOTE]

Because you don’t get to take out 100% of the $15k. You are supposed to keep some amount in the plan.
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