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Old 29-01-2012, 10:52 AM
Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Anonymous is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I started in hp in 1999, retrenched in 2003, rehired as temp contractor in motorola, then got a process engineer role in a jap factory plant in 2005, pay was not more than 3k then.
At that time, i got into nus financial engineering masters course, got into a bank as credit analytics for basel implementation, now i join another foreign bank as a credit trader managing bank retained credit, total compensation is 250k this year.
I am not trying to show off but to tell my engineering bros not to give up, and be brave to venture uncharted waters, you will be rewarded much better than your current role
agree. this is an example of someone who bothers and manages to find a way out of a tough situation. good for u! many others here just whine about things. i also have another friend who did the nus mfe course in the mid 2000s on a part time basis and switched careers from semicon engrg to finance. she's currently based in jpmorgan, hk. i don't know exactly how much she earns, but im pretty sure it's a comfortable figure.

moral of the story is this: if you're really a talented engineer (graduating with a engineering degree does not automatically mean u are a talented) and managed to land a well paying job, thats good. if you're not that lucky and have the drive/ability to make a change, go for it. complaining doesnt help.
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