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  #263 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 11:04 AM
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Default 2113

To windwaver, Howcome is right to say that we've all fallen into the trap of wasting too much time on this hopeless Ronaldo fella. Just to sum up before we close this last bit on him la..

From what you see, we are dealing with a highly insecure guy who keeps asking for reassurances of his 'newfound wealth' but the irony is that the more he boasts, the more people look down on him. He's found himself many more detractors than supporters (hardly any for the matter)

It is also futile to talk any sense to an irrational and incoherent person, who can't even figure out if he's 27 or 28. If somebody wants to argue with you that the sun sets in the east, what can you do? [I remember a quote from someone- if you do not know, I can teach you, if you are stupid, I can't help you. Obviously, our friend here belongs to the latter].

Whatever it is, there's no business of cursing about others' industries and their job hazards. If the airline industry were to fail, all the rest of us would not be any much better, and I'm very certain the media sales business would be affected in a big way too.

And a practical note, S'pore is a very small market and the word gets around. There's a chance somebody would find out who he is and...good luck

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