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Old 05-07-2008, 05:17 PM
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Default 2106

ronaldo Says:

December 3rd, 2007 at 7:54 pm
$ 4, 000 a month for client service manager at 29 years old is pretty low rite? or good pay? position is in media agency.. thanks! anyone pls help reply..?

ronaldo Says:

April 7th, 2008 at 10:07 pm
if Professors in N.U.S earns 50k a month, then the average pay of a middle income earner in Singapore would be S$10k. Pigs can fly over the moon. Professors locally are the most stingy and thrifty professionals in SIngapore we know.

ronaldo Says:

February 13th, 2008 at 8:59 pm
Hi David Seah & Admin,

I just joined as Media Director and i am 28 years old. My experience is in media, advertising & marketing. I was actually headhunted for this position.

My pay is S$9,500 BASIC ,excluding entertainment, transport, handphone etc other allowances that is claimable.

My two other pals are in Advertising agencies as Account Directors and they are paid about S$8-9 k BASIC with the same claimable perks. They are only about 27 years old.

Admin, are these pay fair market value to us??



ronaldo Says:

April 7th, 2008 at 10:15 pm
i have a pal who is 27 years old this year and he's earning S$12k as an Account Director in established ad agency firm. JWT or Satchi & S i think.

I am a Media Director, my pay was S$9.5k basic. Within 2 months, I got confirmed way before my probation, promoted to Sales Director too and got commission/bonus element to my pay. Now I'm getting S$12k BASIC pay, excluding commission/bonus. I am only 28 years old this year.

I consider my pay average. Because my aim is S$15k as basic only, excluding everything else.

Admin, is this fair? Thanks!

ronaldo Says:

April 7th, 2008 at 10:07 pm
if Professors in N.U.S earns 50k a month, then the average pay of a middle income earner in Singapore would be S$10k. Pigs can fly over the moon. Professors locally are the most stingy and thrifty professionals in SIngapore we know.

ronaldo Says:

April 12th, 2008 at 12:23 pm

The reason why my pay is such because i can contribute back much more value than the amount they pay me. And also because I can genearte back so much new business. Most importantly, I am good enough.

These are the reasons. All my friends I hang out with all earns S$9K & above, and some are earning 12K above- and we are all around 27 years to max 31 years old..

I am not boasting, just stating the fact..


ronaldo Says:

April 12th, 2008 at 12:25 pm
Oh you guys can consider us high flyers if u like..

but i consider us ordinary..

ronaldo Says:

April 13th, 2008 at 3:20 pm
lawyerguy, may i ask how old are you?

ronaldo Says:

April 18th, 2008 at 5:23 pm
"Someone who hits good profits typically gets back more than 10-20k per month.


This is not true generally. Recruitment consultants dont even smell S$7K and above in gross. Mind you.. they cnt even get S$7K and above.. They are usually entry level or admin/data administration jobs they do.

Iam not disrespecting such professions, but the ugly truth is such.


ronaldo Says:
April 27th, 2008 at 2:01 pm

If people thinks I'm good, I have no problem with that. If people wants to worship me, I'm fine with that too.

David Seah, if you think I'm GOD and worships me like a GOD, I have no problem with that too.


ronaldo Says:

May 6th, 2008 at 2:07 pm
Hey Question,

Pls read up on the industry specs before you ask silly retard questions. Modeling industry and media advertising industry are totally different. Dont ask me those questions, go ask someone in that trade.

It's like me asking a fishmonger selling fish in a wet market, how much it costs to learn fly fishing or deep sea fishing from him.

You get my point??

ronaldo Says:

May 21st, 2008 at 10:04 pm
Don't get me wrong I have no intentions to " blast" anyone here and I have definitely didn't put anyone down on purpose. I have no malice here but I am stating my truth. If no one believes me, so be it. If people believes me, I also don't really care too. Just as long as my pay check reaches my bank account every month end , I am happy becos I can carry on my spendings and savings.

I didn't say my salary in excess of 12K is great. I just felt its fairly sizable. David, there are definitely merits for being corporate jet pilot as maybe you can get a fatter paycheck. But as the rewards are good, you have a heavy risks too. You can fly and soar the skies like a bird but you can crash like there's no tomorrow too.

Btw I don't have to work late nights as you might have suggested. I usually knock off as I fancy normally 5-6ish pm. Though I am in media, but I control my time well and delegate things FYA properly. More importantly, i make the final decisions.

Good luck to flying the skies, just make sure you don't crash


ronaldo Says:

May 21st, 2008 at 10:22 pm
witty -

industrial designers dont fall in media agencies, they should be more in creative or interative design agencies. Being in pure creative/interactive agency is entirely different from media planning agency. Sorry i'm not sure about ID.

As for being headhunted, you can maybe direct your question to David Seah. He's a corporate jet pilot and making a cool high 6 figures annual income is all he care. Considering him being a pilot, he have to be guaranteed a higher package than me, though I also make a 6 figures annual income. But i think 6 figures annual income is no big ****.


ronaldo Says:

May 26th, 2008 at 8:44 pm
BTW if i tell you his monthly income of my friend who owns the yacht is from SGD$150,000 A MONTH being a life planner at Great Eastern and all this income is excluding his revenue from yachts and ships yet. Do you believe? Haha..

I can ask him to show you his bank account David Seah. So stop boasting about yourself earning $3 mill in 3 years. You are not that fantastic at your age of 30s.

Im tired of your whining and bitching. Believe it or not up to you. My pocket is full of cash is all i know. I only own 2 credit cards but the rest of my wallet is bulging with cash.

ronaldo Says:

June 5th, 2008 at 11:23 pm
I dont really care what other people think of me nor does most of my other pals..

I am fairly contented with my benefits, pay etc and I think I am reasonable enough. If any of you think I am a jerk etc, most probably you are less paid/ lowly paid and lack of ambition in life.

Frankly, i dont give a damn really what other people think of me.. as long as I think I am good enough is what matters most to me..

At 28 and getting 12k and I can get what i need and desire in life is the only thing that truly matters to me.


ronaldo Says:

June 9th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
Hi Jin,

if you want to know more, i can get you in touch with my pal who is in Great Eastern. He makes at least 4 times more than me.


ronaldo Says:

June 15th, 2008 at 10:40 pm
lucky guy, nice to know you earned very high package when you were late twenties. an achievement no doubt.

W - great to know you are that "rich".. cheers to you.. but you dont own anyone.. much less me.. becos though i have a cap to my basic but my bonuses and commissions are uncapped as are my benefits.. and i own my time and i dont report to no one in my company becos i have total flexibility.. good luck to ur studies, its no use studying very much becos qualifications alone dont determine how much you will earn.. for your info i have double masters degree and first class honors degree.. but my salary is not purely determined by that but more importantly my performance.. so no matter what you are studying now.. its no big deal to me.

-Thanks for your congrats Chinaman.. im fairly happy with my benefits etc now..

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