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  #5374 (permalink)  
Old 14-04-2021, 07:42 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
congrats! good to hear that.

my situation was partially similar as u, graduated top 5% within my cohort, got the something gold award with some small token of prize $$ but never really got internship exp becoz i needed to take care of my sick parents and worked pt job then. and when it comes to job search post-grad i never had the luck haha. Eventually i settled for a job in a bank for 2.4k. You can find details of my career progression over the years in the other thread that talks about how much one earn per annum, just posted recently -if u r ever curious about my side of story as well haha.

Times have really changed indeed....
Honestly - if I learned anything from my experience thus far - is that where you start doesn’t determine where you end tbh.

I mean I went to private uni and only expected 3k but will be drawing close to 5k when I graduate. So really, who knows what the future holds? I may screw up and lose to someone who started at 3k in the future.

P.S. Not aiming for the gold award though. Been just chilling and lazing around (getting complacent lmao) ever since I got an offer (not a good thing I know haha).

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