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  #1828 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2021, 08:36 AM
Posts: n/a

A better approach is to make the E5 range smaller. Mainly for fresh grad. So people who stayed 2 or 3 years get promoted to senior level E6. But really their grade is just the upper E5.

Then E6 range a bit bigger. So people who are senior and more experience get promoted to E7. But still in the senior engineer level... Not all roads lead to stupid management.

If good pay only go to non technical managers who just use their mouth to work..
You will wonder why would talented engineers.those Google level work for this **** ckmpany

So that explains why engineers don't feel value. Foever work on E5 and E6.
Then when they are promoted to M1 cause they reach the ceiling of rjr grade..

All take on the manager role and never touch technical anymore.
Then just spend years playing politics. Manage engineers with no engineering experience.

Is a joke.
It's like a manager go to construction site and instruct people to do this do that.
But they themselves never been in a construction site.

And the managers keep getting higher. Cause the higher management only see managers... Engineers are invisible slaves.

So people who want to get promoted also play this game. Quit technical. And pick up ******** skills.
So end up everyone just suck up.

And best kind is those super aras management intro people directly into manager position.
Just because they are from army or dsta or mindef

And you see they just do nothing.
Literally like nothing. Read newspaper brunch until 10 am chit chat kind.

It's really really a retirement village **** show.
Where only the engineers are slave working for no promotion.

And those managers say you are so lucky to still have your job
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