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  #708 (permalink)  
Old 25-03-2021, 08:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
You quite dumbass. Everybody know people change job around 3 years.
So company now only consider promotion if you stayed at least 3 years.

How I know? I got promoted on my 3rd year.
My boss told me... He cannot anyhow push for promotion for people 1or 2 years. Cause once promoted. They will use the higher pay to jump ship...

So he is only protecting the best interest of his department...

Which makes sense. Why promote people who want to leave?
Promotion should benefit people willing to stay all the way.

People with short term goal. Work 2 years expect promotion. Then what? 10 years you become director ah?

Anyway good. Then once you leave, they can use your headcount to hire a fresh grad and hence repeat.
I also follow the 3 years rule.

No point getting to know you if you leave 1 year.
So I also only stick with and socialise with people more than 3 years. Cause we can promote each other upwards.

Don't need no delusional high paid fresh grad expecting promotion..

Your starting pay already at 4.5k..compared to my time 2.5k.
Back then the salary so low. Promotion every few years is logical.

Fresb grad now already got promotion the day the join.
Still want more.

I agreed. That's why I tekan fresh grad.
I let them run the show.
Let them face the client, stress.
Let them work their worth.

And most often they will fail.
Piss of client.
Can't communicate with infra team.
Get wrong solutions.

Sorry. Fresh grad should not be paid so high cause they don't have the experience...
Paid so high and expect us seniors to take care of them.
I say hell no.
Let's push them into the sea. No more wading in the swimming pool.

Either swim or drown.
I mean you're supposed to be paid Olympic swimmer.
Not some basic swimmer who just came out of swimming school.

If you are basic why we paying 4k ++ pay to fresh grad. Then that pay range is in the 5 years exp mark fews years back.

So suck up.

My boss still have the old school thinking "fresh grad no experience la. They need guidance."
Sorry. People with higher pay than seniors shouldn't need guidance.

In fact we should delegate most of the **** work to fresh grad.
We seniors should just shake our leg and take credit for their work when they sjcceeed.
And if they fail? Just blame them.. And make a point that fresh grad can't deliver ****.

Win win.
Welcome to the tech world baby!!!
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