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  #160 (permalink)  
Old 26-05-2008, 08:52 AM
David Seah---
Posts: n/a
Default 1757


No worries. Some people just love to feel elite at a young age ( he mixed with people earning 9K and above ). I can understand that, but just a matter of fact being cocky and arrogant at that age will not get him too far in life later on.

I will just say his presence here boasting his capability at his age is annoying everyone for sure.

Given his IQ level to post 2 replies to me within mins as mentioned in above few posts and asking people here is his salary high enough, made him looked darn silly more likely a nincompoot. I seriously doubt this chap is a Media director !! Perhaps he is just a bogus, a pathetic student studying for his A levels.

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