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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 18-07-2011, 12:39 AM
Posts: n/a

A Singaporean can be skilled, hardworking and determined, do the best he can. But compared to a foreigner who is no better than him in skill but cheaper to hire, many companies with an eye to the bottom line, would hire the foreigner. Worse, they make the Singaporean train up the clueless foreigner, to take over his job.

To have meritocracy is good. But to have society based solely on shape up or ship out, is to ignore the needs of the average man, which form the majority of our society. It would be to run a country like Singapore Inc; where if you can't run at good speed and as cheap you are cut off. Its sounds manageable when you are young, educated, motivated, healthy, and your family does not need much money to survive (that is if your family is in India, China, etc where cost of living is low compared to here).

But what happens if you can't keep up? If everyone is so exceptional, who would be average? Most people are by definition average. Who takes care of their welfare?

Even the exceptional man may have his down days, may get sick and will certainly grow old, then where is his place? The elitism-based society you are championing, will lead to a cold and heartless society which ignores and abandons those that can't keep up. Already, Singapore does not have many benefits for the needy and struggling. We should not swing even further to make life harder for the average Singaporean by allowing vast amounts of foreigners (now 40%) into our country.

While I recognise that some foreigners are necessary on the low skilled and the high skilled end, the extent of immigration into our country in the past few years is shocking. Many of these foreigners are hired for jobs that Singaporeans Can and Want to do. Coupled with the lack of protection for Singaporean's livelihoods, my heart goes out to the average Singaporean.

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