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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2011, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by miwashi View Post
OMG.. 10 years and 83k? I've been working 8 years and am not even getting 62k with bonuses! Are you MX12 or 11?

And yes, interviewers in industries just don't see regulatory and policymaking experience as being direct experience in the field.
The place I work doesn't follow the MX scale. But if I am on the lowest grade at its ceiling.

I am on a professional track, doing work relevant to what I used to do in the industry. I am sorry for being deliberately shady about the stuffs I do. I am quite determined to keep my 'identity' unguessable.

Anyway, none of these matter. What matters the most is that I am on a track of no return. My industry doesn't want me anymore and I am going to be stuck here for a long time no matter how hard I try.

I have tried everything possible. Networking, applying, sending resumes to friends, even completed a masters so that I can get back in through some mgt assoc programs. None worked. I have tried for 3 years now.

If you though this might have something to do with the way I present myself, nope. I am a toastmaster and a regular speaker at events. And I am ready to take a paycut to return to the industry. Why does it not work for me?
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