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  #9764 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2020, 01:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm from NUS, and I graduated last December right before COVID. Not comfortable sharing too much about the rest since I'm not sure if my employer lurks around these forums, but training is mainly for product knowledge + OJT for a support role.

My actual question was if I should negotiate my salary since it was stated on the contract that the upper end of the salary range for the training role is about 3.5k. While I'm not the best NUS graduate available on the market, I'm pretty sure that I'm worth at least more than a 2.2k salary especially since I've even taken on a related role in an internship before and am not entering the job as someone entirely untrained outside of the specific product knowledge.

It's technically not a traineeship, since all I'm learning is the product knowledge rather than a trade (though, honestly, I'm not sure about how you'd define a traineeship ). It's just that they are putting new hires on probation to see how well they can apply the knowledge during their OJT.
No. I'm sorry to be an ass about this but i think it needs to be said.

(1) What you've done in the past has nothing to do with your worth to the company. You can hold a phd in a subject, but until you prove that you can bring in revenue of at least 3 times your asking pay on a consistent basis, you are not worth 3.5k. [1 part to you, 1 part to cover overheads, 1 part profits] You are a support role, which sucks because that means you're a cost-center not a profit-center.

(2) From a company perspective, traineeships are useful for 2 reasons. First, cheap labour. Second, goodwill/generosity + talent pipeline. If labour is not cheap, and i still have to put additional pressure on senior staff members to guide and train.... goodwill and generosity goes away pretty quickly.

Prove your worth in your first year, get some SOLID QUANTIFIABLE results, then negotiate for a higher salary. Right now, all you're saying is "i have no real world experience but im from nus and have done internships, please pay me more." This is ********.

Side note: even lawyers who go to NUS for 4 years and then sit the bar exam for 6 months only learn 2k - 2.5k for their time in training (6mths to a year). Even after training, they are not guaranteed a job as an associate. Big4 audit starts at 2.7k and it remains low for 3 years until they get qualified.

Please use this forum as it was intended.

(3) Last point. "It's technically not a traineeship, since all I'm learning is the product knowledge rather than a trade" Can you work without the training? If i throw you in without "product knowledge", can you produce results for me that meet professionally expected standards? Can you meet targets of permanent staff members?

Doubt it.
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