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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 24-06-2011, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
people who don't believe banking pays well typically because they are not willing to sacrifice, and wants work-life balance. balance my ass. if you don't work your ass off when you are young, when can you do it? when you are old? the salary in banks starts low but shoots up exponentially if you prove that you are reliable and good. by good, i don't mean smart, i mean willing to do the hard work. if you are willing to work hard, making a 100k annual package will take no more than 5year. by then you will be at a base that is 40-50% higher than your work-life balance peers, and that's when you can decide if you want more, or real work-life balance.
It takes far more than just sacrifice long hours or do job sui sui to make it big in a bank. If it were just that, there would be truckloads of super high paying dudes in any bank now. The finance industry has no shortage of people chalking up long hours or doing sai gang, but how many really make it big in the end? For every 1 successful million dollar banker, there are probably another 20 who work just as hard, but are stuck in normal menial ops role after many years.

Devoting yourself to monster 15-hour work days during young and relax when you reach 40 rich may sound like a good idea at first. But what happens often is that when you look back at 40 yrs old, you find you loose the most precious commodity that no money can buy - time.

Sure, maybe at 40 your pay is 50% higher than peers, so? You lost out on non-professional social network, your family, if any, probably sux relationship wise since you are never at home, your health likely suffers due to overwork, you find out at the age of 40 you know nobody, nothing else besides work. What are you going to do then? Take a lower paying job and restart your entire life in terms of family, friends, hobbies, health etc? This is easier said than done.

I have nothing against people who made a decision to go for such a lifestyle in pursuit of money, it is their choice. But a brash dismissal of anyone who might harbor different preferences and outlook on life can only be done by someone who has a very inexperienced and narrow view of life.
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