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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #5071 (permalink)  
Old 14-04-2020, 11:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Am an assoc in big 4, corp department. large slowdown in work over the past few weeks. To respond to the query above, from my sensing with the partners there is a very slight sentiment that they might want to cut retention rates this year because there's not enough work even for the current assocs much less the trainees but it's still tentative as it is still unclear how badly exactly this crisis will hit the local economy.

My best guess is wait for the end of this circuit breaker -> start of may also coincides with when retention is usually offered in firms. you will only know then.
Medium and small firms will be more sensitive.

My firm announced to senior staffers just before lockdown that no offers for retention will be made this cycle. Next cycle trainees have been told they are welcome to train, but no guarantee of retention due to the current economic situation.

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