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  #1956 (permalink)  
Old 26-03-2019, 09:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you young people think it was tough to get a job, it is even tougher (near impossible) for us older people to get jobs. I am referring to people on the wrong side of 40 and above.

Already counted 5 of my classmates from the class of '90 "forced" to pre-mature retirement after being retrenched and looking unsuccessfully for another job.

At this age (before 55) their children are still schooling (in the Uni or poly), but luckily no more housing loan. They are now surviving on savings and investment. Needless to say, they constantly worry if their savings will last the distance.

As you can see, at any age, it is tough to get into employment. So for those who are currently working:

1. treasure your job
2. Save and save when you have income
3. Constantly stay relevant to the job market (upgrade your skills)
4. Invest if you have "extra" savings (ie money you can afford to lose)
5. Dont leave your current job without securing another one first
6. Remember, recruiters are also trying to earn a living
7. As a last resort, be open to take on other kind of work such as grab or taxi driving, food delivery etc..
I think that in Singapore, around 35 it is problematic already. No need to reach 40. Even worse is if there is gap of more than 6 months in your resume, this is seen as a disease to be avoided.

Your 7 points are awesome, as the saying goes it is easier change self than to hope the world changes. It is even more problematic with dependents.

My colleague drives private hire during all his free time - 8-11pm and whole day weekend - to pay for child's university. The pay scale in SG is just really bad. In his words, the only fair paymaster is gahmen. SME all lowball him around 2k. He was global manager for MNC. I admire him for his flexibility. He does all the work assigned and earned the respect of the youngsters.

However, on the flipside, after observing how another person above 50 work, I sadly conclude that if I am a hiring manager, I prefer a younger attitude. (not just person) some senior people around me always find ways to avoid the work rather than solve problems for boss. Then despite being the same rank, they take it upon themselves to supervise rather than do. The thing to do is totally not physically demanding.

If I can only find 1 in 5 seniors that willing do a junior position properly, the risk is too high, I rather take a fresh grad and write on the blank paper. It is less troublesome than trying to erase the paper or some say already enculturated. Afterall in industry 4.0 technology will disrupt every industry, experience counts for nothing.

Maybe a senior person may find my perspective useful to customise a compelling cover.
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