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06-08-2013 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Try working alone for 12 hours a day 6 days a week for a few years and see how it changes your personality. Live and let live, they are just trying to earn a living.
Exactly this point.

With the boom of social media, it appears Singaporeans are encouraged, even rewarded (e.g Stomp the main culprit) to complain and whine about our daily inconveniences or brushes with rude service personnel.

Take a walk in their shoes, they are dealing with difficult people all day every day for hours at a stretch, and after couple of years it grinds them down. We don't have the luxury of a 30hour work week like some European countries have. Some of these people even do two jobs just to make ends meet.

And that's why nowadays when i receive a spam telemarketing call I politely say, no thank you and hang up, rather than give an expletive filled tirade like I used to do.

"Live and let live" is an excellent motto.
06-08-2013 09:54 AM
Taxi Drivers in Singapore

We understand the nature of the job, isolation and stress on the roads. What I do not understand is the bad manners from taxi drivers, what justifies this bad behaviour. Having said that I also feel that the bad drivers are in the minority. I feel that the taxi industry would be much better if drivers were able to purchase their own taxi's and perhaps raise their levels of income and pride, instead of working for big companies making the money. Also there should be standards of cleanliness and perhaps a uniform to make the image better. Lastly the taxi's need to be maintained properly, how many times have you been in a taxi where the suspension is groaning, the tyres are balding and God knows the state the rest of the vehicle is in. There is a need for a re-look at the industry. Apologies to the majority of taxi drivers who are good people and striving to earn a living. God bless you for the good service you provide.
12-04-2012 02:19 PM
Unregistered I have a local degree (engineering) with decent honors so shouldn't be a problem passing the basic English test. Sounds like a good career option, have a free car to drive around too. Will check it out!
12-04-2012 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by shaz View Post
taxis should have a feedback device for passengers to press "like" or "dislike" to grade their ride experience

from far, you can tell if the taxi is being driven by a good/bad driver by looking at the "ticked" sign = good driver or "X" sign = bad driver... lol

Wednesday's blues...
Good suggestion. I fully support!
12-04-2012 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There's a taxi course with online test... will test you on basic english, places of interest and road routes in singapore....
Better be quick if you want to take up taxi driver license as a backup... although the profession might be perceived as a lowly profession compared with the others.. but there is no other job that can immediately put instant cash in your hands when you need it the most....
Not too sure if the authorities will slowly open the flood gates for FT to also infiltrate this sector like for the bus drivers... the Retirees/Unemployed better pray hard hard.. pray that the taxi operators companies will not give into their greed.. and allow FT to come in and snatch the very last ricebowl( paperplate ) away...
The only advantage that locals have over the FTs is local knowledge, which reduces the training time required. Not only taxi driving, but other professions as well (e.g. law). For taxi driving, once the technology for GPS becomes more reliable, you can be certain that the SG drivers will be replaced by FTs. The SGs can then move on to do jobs that FTs don't want to do.
12-04-2012 11:48 AM
Unregistered There's a taxi course with online test... will test you on basic english, places of interest and road routes in singapore....
Better be quick if you want to take up taxi driver license as a backup... although the profession might be perceived as a lowly profession compared with the others.. but there is no other job that can immediately put instant cash in your hands when you need it the most....
Not too sure if the authorities will slowly open the flood gates for FT to also infiltrate this sector like for the bus drivers... the Retirees/Unemployed better pray hard hard.. pray that the taxi operators companies will not give into their greed.. and allow FT to come in and snatch the very last ricebowl( paperplate ) away...

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hmmm.. $100 dollars a day ? This is higher than alot of starting pays in the market. Anyone can advise how does one become a taxi driver? is there like a course to take? Also, do we need to memorise street directory? Thank you very much.
12-04-2012 08:53 AM
Unregistered Hmmm.. $100 dollars a day ? This is higher than alot of starting pays in the market. Anyone can advise how does one become a taxi driver? is there like a course to take? Also, do we need to memorise street directory? Thank you very much.
12-04-2012 02:41 AM
Unregistered They probably make more money than you.
12-04-2012 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by shaz View Post
i just met-up with an ex-colleague (retired) for dinner who is now driving a cab. For 9hrs of work, he can earn at least $150/day net (after paying taxi rental and petrol). >$200/day if work up to 12hrs or take less breaks or have good luck. Btw, they don't really drive 12hrs straight in one shift... will have breaks now and then... like any job, there is no need to be rude, sarcastic, or idiotic to 'normal' customers/passengers who want to get from point 'a' to point 'b'...

after hearing the true story of being a taxi driver, i don't really feel that sympathetic of their job...
I am not saying they have the right to be assholes. I am saying their work conditions will change their personality, and we should try to be more understanding.
11-04-2012 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Try working alone for 12 hours a day 6 days a week for a few years and see how it changes your personality. Live and let live, they are just trying to earn a living.
i just met-up with an ex-colleague (retired) for dinner who is now driving a cab. For 9hrs of work, he can earn at least $150/day net (after paying taxi rental and petrol). >$200/day if work up to 12hrs or take less breaks or have good luck. Btw, they don't really drive 12hrs straight in one shift... will have breaks now and then... like any job, there is no need to be rude, sarcastic, or idiotic to 'normal' customers/passengers who want to get from point 'a' to point 'b'...

after hearing the true story of being a taxi driver, i don't really feel that sympathetic of their job...
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