Originally Posted by Unregistered
I will be going for the PT on Sep17. I attended the PT last year Aug16 and got a unsuccessful email and mentioned to reapply again only 1 year later. In my own opinion, the test is a killer to me. I am slow and did not manage to finish all question.I have no confidence for the test and is in my mid career age. I am currently working in a Min for less than 2mths only and felt not suitable.
Knowing the process would take long as you will not know if you r successful for next round of interview after the PT. I have tried searching for test guide other than the sample provided in the DXO web. Anyone here able to share more?
Not to sugarcoat matters, but there must be a reason why the difficulty level of the psychometric test is as what it is.
Mindef would need some sort of filter to sieve through thousands of applicants for an extremely limited number of vacancies. If a candidate is unable to pass the test, then you might not be what
Mindef is looking for - can't be they spend limited time and resources to entertain everyone who applied right?