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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #1537 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2017, 11:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Lol. It's all too easy to dig a hole in the sand and imagine that everyone around you is in the same rut you are in. Like it or not, I am from CC. Last week, I sat in Conference Rooms 25.6 and 25.7 watching a group of 8 interns deliver a client pitch. All of them were Firsts - no exceptions. Of these 8 hopefuls, 4-5 will eventually be selected to come on board as trainees.

Yes, I don't know the exact trainee pay scale because I didn't come in as a trainee. What I do know is that as a 6 PQE, I am paid slightly over S$20,000 per month. I lateralled in after 6 gruelling years of practice in a Big4 sweatshop. I personally am not a First, and I'm not saying everyone here is a First. Most of us here were grunts who were poached from Big4s (specifically A&G) during CC's massive expansion drive. If you think I'm lying because these figures seem too good to be true, you're just another dumb ostrich in self-denial.

What I AM saying is that to come in here as a Trainee on a TC, you bloody well have to be a First. And a damned good one at that, because Firsts are a dime a dozen, and there are only 4-5 places a year. It's the basic economic principles of supply and demand. If you think it's easy getting a TC here, go on deluding yourself. Lol, indeed.
First time poster here for the avoidance of doubt.

Calm your titties, the majority of people on this thread are STUDENTS. Your condescension, salary and big ego to match should have no place if you know who the audience is here.

Besides, just to play you at your own game, you do know that you M&A/finance advisory lawyers are just here to cover our backs right? I'm in a bulge bracket investment banking role (general IBD coverage) in Singapore and we only call on you guys when the client insists or compliance breaks our backs about it. And what's the big deal about 20k 6PQE? My associate earns more than that excluding bonus and perks (and he's 4 years out of school)

Also, this reminds me. A couple of weeks ago one of you guys (CC, A&O, LL, FF - deliberately being vague for anonymity) sent a couple of EQUITY partners (APAC-head level) to our office to give us a presentation on 'Asia anti-trust laws'. Tbh 90% of the bankers in the room couldn't give a crap about any of this - all we wanted was to get back to finishing up our work so we could leave the office before midnight that day.

So know your place and stop being such a dick - we were all students once. And go ahead, try saying I'm not in BB front-office IBD - happy to oblige with non identifiable proof if I ever have the time or inclination to do so
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