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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 28-02-2011, 02:38 AM
The Lone Ranger
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by poor millionaire View Post
I feel sorry for you - from the way you speak, you must have had critical parents and then you turn out to be one yourself. Quick to judge, quick to critique. Don't believe you get the chance to do this in real life. If you speak like that to your friends in real life, then you don't have many friends at all. Absolutely unconstructive comments.

Have you wondered why people don't LISTEN to you when you speak. What an absolute turn off. Pity your wife if you have one.
Maybe there's other landed properties that you can cast your eyes on. If the price does not suit you, maybe it's best that you can hop onto another house and another price which is more comfortable for you.

You're not a poor millionaire. I'm still waiting for my first million and you've already hit yours at such a young age. I really admire you, for having the courage to buy something much expensive and having the foresight to sell it at a higher price.

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