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  #6449 (permalink)  
Old 17-03-2017, 04:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi guys, I will be graduating from NUS in around a year time and so would like to check what starting salary I should be expecting when I graduate. Can all the lao jiaos shed some light on what is the likely starting salary (rough estimate would do) I will be likely to draw in the following sectors:

2. Investigative agencies like CPIB/ CAD
3. Intelligence (SID)
4. Economist Service
5. Other sectors running on the MX scheme

I will be graduating as an NUS econs grad with high fch (~4.9), non-scholar (excluding bondless scholarships by NUS). If I join SPF, will I start of as an INSP or as an ASP? MHA site says INSP but I heard ppl with good honours start of as an ASP?

Also, I heard from many people that civil service is extremely biased towards scholars in terms of career progression. The thing is, I actually applied for PSC scholarship after JC and was dropped after the final interview. But subsequently I was actually offered several ministry scholarships including mha (spf). However, being 19 and not sure of what I want, I did not accept any of them. I did not bother with mid term scholarships as well as my tuition fees is already taken care off by NUS. After going through NS as an MP, and several internships in uni, I actually developed an interest in policing work and is planning to join spf. So if i join without a scholarship, would I lose out in terms of career progression as compared to the scholars? My brother who works in the civil service told me that my stellar grades would only get me a high starting pay, but it won't prevent me from getting stepped over like dirt by the scholars in terms of career progression. If that's the case, is there any other way for me to get myself placed on the same track as the scholars?

Tks for the help!
(1) to (4) are all special schemes and should pay better than MX, all other things equal. (4)'s experience is also valuable in private sector and academia. If you like police work, I'd say, go for it.

Scholars are given more opportunities, it's true. They are placed on the fast track, which has different names in different schemes. Used to be called Management Associate scheme in the past. If you have a FCH and perform really well in your first year, you will likely put on the fast track after confirmation (after tests and interviews).

Perform well doesn't mean doing your job well. You are expected to do your job well, which will merely net you an average grade. If you still can value add, do many CCAs etc, after doing your job well, then that is good performance. No lack of CCAs to do. Usually Directors try to tai ji them away. But if you make it known that you want to do extra, your Director will be happy to get some CCAs for you.
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