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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 27-01-2017, 11:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Define management and non-management. Just managing people or being one of the top dog?

You can be the top dog of the technical department you know? Each function will have a leadership role so yes, you can move into a management position if you work long enough.

Now, if your questions is about being the person who calls the shot or about speed. Then being in a technical position will be tough. You will need to be in sales. Since you're in tech, the suggestion will be for you to move into pre-sales, then sales, then sales management. In between, you will want to move from a segment, to country-level, to regional and then to APAC.

Now to your other question. You are not priced out of the market lah. A director in a MNC earns between $250 to $300 a year. Some sales specialist makes more than that as an individual. Why do you think you are offer such a huge jump? Because you're good? Come'on, you only have 5 years of experience.

So don't worry and stop job hoping. You can only move across roles within a company and not across companies.

As a hiring manager, I would be pleased with your ambition but I would be very weary about you not having realistic expectation of your career development. Also, I do not hire anyone with less than 3 years in their last job.
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