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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 20-05-2016, 09:31 AM
Posts: n/a

I'm going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt that what he say is true. He does come off as a genius. I do believe there are such people out there. Maybe an extra bit of verification I would like to have is that this sort of story rarely happens and it usually gets featured in the news. Do you have a web link of your start up being bought out?

As for squibbling for thousands, while he has millions, I read of stories of millionaire founders obeying a strict money principle regardless of the size of their bank account. An extra $1,500 a month is a value proposition anyone will take.

Okay, back to his predicament. I say take the risk to get black listed and sign with the other company. Why? Employment practices in Singapore has grown to be very risk averse to the point where they forget companies rarely pursue action in such situations. Think about it from the company's angle. Will they want to devote time, money and resources to fight over you? For a guy who's getting $7k/month, regardless of whether that's your true value, I doubt so.

Your story does paint a unique picture of a millionaire genius start up founder being a victim of an inefficient labour market. If you are that capable, boasting sales by 150% within month, I think your ask should be at least $11,000. I can't think of any story of a new employee having that much an impact that quickly. In my field, NO trader comes in with a 150% return on assets within a year.

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