Originally Posted by Unregistered
Where are you now, and what are your next plans? How are your peers doing too?
he's lucky to leave, my colleague also planning to leave after the bonus is given out. she already got new job offer secured and starting date in july. pay increase is 30% and bonus is typically 3-4 months. all in all it is about a 40-50% increment from now. she just booked a new car also as her future office will be at jurong side and she stays at woodlands.
i am still hoping to make partner but at manager level, partner seems to be so far away still and the **** keeps getting worse and worse. most of my peers who went to mncs are earning 10% higher than me based on current pay. if add all the losses i made from year 1-4, i think their lifetime income is at least 150-200k higher than me.