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  #9171 (permalink)  
Old 24-12-2015, 10:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Its that time of year

Its that time of year again where the year is coming to an end and a new year is around the corner. A time where we reflect on what we have achieved and where we have failed.

Looking at the date when this forum was started (23 Feb 2010), we are reminded how time flies. It has been almost 6 years already. Have our lives and our finances changed for the better in this six years?

For me, 6 years ago, I was still in my 40s and career advancement was still important to me. But today, I no longer crave for more responsibilities in my job. I would be happy to continue in my current job scope into my retirement. On the home front, the 6 years have seen my children grown up. One graduated with honours and joined the workforce and the younger one still in the uni. We have also bought a new car to replace our old car which reached 10 years old in 2014.

On the financial front, the 6 years have seen our networth increased by another $2m. We have also purchased another property for rental income. Our passive income crossed the $100k mark for 2015.

On the work front, I have seen many colleagues leaving the company. Some left for "greener" pastures, while others retired. I have to continuously build new friendship and teams with the newer colleagues to make the work place conducive and effective. I also kept in touch with former colleagues to reminisce and maintain friendship. Talking to my retired colleagues also reminded me that my own retirement is not too far away. So have to spend some time to prepare (both financially and socially) for eventual retirement.

All in, the last 6 years have been good on all fronts. I hope it is the same for you all.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2016 to all!

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