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  #8820 (permalink)  
Old 30-10-2015, 08:28 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There is no need to accumulate so much wealth if you plan to retire simply. There are many old retirees who retire by renting out their spare rooms in their hdb flat. They also get allowance from their dutiful children as well from their cash and CPF savings. For the richer folks, they sell their landed property and downgrade to a penthouse condo to retire. They use their cash to buy dividend stocks and annuity for their retirement. They don't depend on their children but if their children give them allowance, they keep the money in case their children need the money in the future. Those who retire in Malaysia rent out their hdb flat and retire in KL, JB or Penang. Some retire in Thailand like a rich man.
This is true. Our life in this world is short. Make the best of your life by doing good. Help those in need, feed the poor and orphans, make a positive difference to the world. Those waste your time chatting and bragging about the wealth you have but think of how you are going to spend your wealth for charity. Spend your free time volunteering in charities rather than wasting it away.
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