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  #902 (permalink)  
Old 29-04-2015, 06:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Job hunting is not easy. One needs to be positive despite meeting rejections.
Share my job hunting history.

I resigned from a job worked less than a year (not my first job, my previous work experiences were 2 to 3 years)

Quitted without securing a new job. Pretty demoralized back then, frequent long working hours till wee hours.
Did not know exactly what I wanted to pursue in life. While I was still figuring, I was fortunate to help a friend to set up business. During my unemployment, I did not want to do nothing. After a few months, I decided to start the job hunting.

I did not track how many resumes I sent, I went for a total 12 interviews with 6 companies over the span of 2 months before receiving an offer. Faced numerous rejections without updates of the interview status despite attended second and final round for a few. Also had recruiters and hiring managers commented my expected salary was on a high side when I only asked for my previous salary expectation and negotiable. Even had Recruiters called me to downgrade my role to just accept any job first, I declined as I did not see myself in that industry. I went for interviews experiencing interviewer telling me his success and before I could say anything, I was labelled as inexperienced. I also attended all 3 rounds and was told the position was an urgent one and I was on top of list with relevant experience, only to be told weeks later I wasn't selected. Hopes shattered.. I applied even for positions I was not really fancy in.

My luck finally came when I finally got an offer after going through 2 rounds of interview and within the same week received the job offer. The best moment, I received a significant pay increment. Really thankful to the organization for giving me this opportunity.

Do not give up, the best is yet to come.

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