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  #7250 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2015, 10:13 AM
Posts: n/a

Buyers are rushing to book new cars ahead of changes to the CEV scheme.

Buy with guaranteed COE so that you don't have to be disappointed all the time.

COE for Cat A at $67k plus is still cheap. It ever went to $90k in 2013. So best is to grab your new car now if your car is 5 years old or older. COE is expected to go higher.

DEMAND is so much greater than supply.


1. Prices of cars expected to rise further with the changes in the CEV scheme.
2. Higher household income today compared to 10 years ago.
3. Higher income for new graduates.
4. Families buying their 2nd, 3rd, 4th car so that father, mother, son, daughter can each drive a new car since they can afford it.
5. High property market. Many young families can flip their BTO flat since they bought very cheap 5 years ago and after flipping they make lots of money and so can use the profit gained to pay for the 50% cash downpayment.
6. Many people make money from stock market as the stock market today is higher than a few years ago.
7. New cars being status symbols motivate everyone to buy a new car from those living in public housing to those living in private housing. There are people who cannot afford condos to show they are successful but at least they can own a new car to show that they are successful.
8. Many other reasons.
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