I thought what you wrote was even handed fair to all parties, surprised that people can still call you "shallow". Reminds me of my post blasting the other guy calling car owner idiots. I agree with your assessment, sounds like there is a jealous old man lurking around. Standard reply formula goes something like this
Poorer compared to him (Working)
work hard and you can aspire to be like him one day
Poorer compared to him (Retired)
Suckers, didn't work hard enough
Equal worth / higher compared to him (working)
Losers, cannot cherish time. Will kanna cancer and die without enjoying their wealth
Super Rich compared to him
Must be ill gotten gain, will have rotten children or some serious disease coming for them.
This is what Singapore has become I guess, people who just aren't sated with their own achievements and feel the need to constantly put others down or show off to them.
Originally Posted by Unregistered
I dont want to say this, and I know it sounds mean, but you forced my hand by repeating this nonsense
People who cannot make it (or worse, are lazy) usually comfort themselves by saying that money doesnt buy happiness and that they are not slave to their jobs etc..
The hard truth is that they ended up being slaves to those who earned more than them and working harder! And because they cannot save enough, they will have to work even longer, while their bosses would have retired long before.