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  #797 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2015, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
There are SIM grads who really went out there and made it. Heck, I have friends armed with only ACCA and N levels but earning way more than his peers in the same age group (28y.o).
Although, they are not in the banking sector but still doing finance in major O&G / maritime sectors. Not hard to guess which company,just along Beach rd or pasir panjang rd there's only that few big coys.

But we / the SIM grads or soon-to-be grads have to acknowledge these points:

1) Prejudice against pte / DL grads are usually frowned upon and they do not have equal standing with local grads, even if companies constant preaching about equal opportunities,etc.

2) Pte grads are often exploited and/or hired at a lower cost than their local u counterparts. This is debatable, heavily dependent on hiring manager's POV and HR's policies. It is a known fact that many companies have different pay structure for pte grads, not just limited to public sectors.

3) Pte grads capability are usually perceived to be lower of their local U counterparts. i.e Pit a NUS FCH vs an UOL FCH, NTU pass vs an SIM pass, etc. This is very much debatable, but whether you believe it or not there's some truth in it.

4) Lacking in presentation skills. Could be from presentation in meetings to individual level of conversing with others in proper sentences, without stuttering entirely or adding in singlish to 70% of your sentence.

These are some of the points I could think of now. I'm sure there will be heroes coming and rebut me saying, "BS, im earning xxx" or " my brother's gf's sister's bf's cousin is an UOL grad drawing 8s in goldman".
Whatever floats your boat but my point is - pte grads already have disadvgt against local ones. Not the end of the world, and you shouldn't degrade yourself cuz of that. Sometimes, just take a deep breath, chill out and look at the broader picture realistically. You'll b able to see more, and not just being myopic, focusing on the wrong things.

- From somebody who graduated from SIM 3 yrs ago, not at the top echelon of earning power yet. But not too shabby for somebody who only has 3 years of full time working exp.
Gotta agree with point 4 on the lack of presentation skills. Especially true for SIM UOL where there's literally no presentation at all! Pretty sure this is a major minus point for these people. No way you can compete with local uni grads on that. Either way, good presentation and communication skills are very important, both outside and inside the corporate world.
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