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  #778 (permalink)  
Old 21-01-2015, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a

wow @ some of the bashing responses haha. I must be 1 of the outlier cases drawing high 4s with a non-sales role in a bank.

I must've sucked lotsa **** to get it, right?

Its been about 1.5yrs since i graduated from uol and started working. i've seen my fair share of capable individuals holding pte degs / local u and vice versa.

My honest opinion - local u peeps are generally more forward looking and able to perform in what they're suppose to do. In comparison, fresh pte deg holders r generally more... lacklustre in terms of work, but very good at dept parties, gatherings, etc.

Individual mindset and attitude plays a huge part. "street-smartness" can get you a bit further, but still largely you need to have what it takes for ppl to b convinced.

If you guys wana level the playing field, then start moving yr ass and make it happen. don't ask how and where, its your bloody life no one is obliged to help u at all.
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