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Old 09-12-2014, 10:16 PM
mangos47 mangos47 is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have gone for intv at agc 2 weeks ago. Just an entry level so I guess only 1 round intv. After the intv on the day itself, they called me to confirm my final asking salary. Next day, they email and ask me to confirm in black and white on my asking salary. They also ask me
To fill up G50 clearance form and asked to speak to my character referee. My character referee has already completed the character reference check and send back to them. i also
Completed the G50 clearance form and handed it personally to HR person at the office. She then verbally told me in person that they are currently putting up mgt's approval and will take 1-2 weeks before she give me a call to inform if I'm selected for the position.

Keeping fingers crossed.
I've had very similar experience to yours, and I was even offered a detailed package through the phone and was pushed to acknowledge my acceptance through email (sort of black and white). But 2 weeks later when I called in to check the status, was told the offer is on hold due to waiting senior management approval. And now 2 months has passed and I've decided it's not gonna happen and am looking for other opportunities.

I have another very close one recently and are now waiting for them to "working on a package". Hopefully I don't score the same sh*t twice in a row.
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