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  #486 (permalink)  
Old 28-11-2014, 12:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Well looking ONLY at psychologist jobs in the civil service like MINDEF and MOE etc. a good honours degree specifically in psychology tends to be the minimum requirement. An engin or biz grad isn't going to get any interviews if he applies to be a defence psychologist.

Then there will be some psychology grads will decide not to pursue psychology related careers upon graduation too.

Psychology is probably one of the more useful FASS majors, behind econs. Definitely better prospects than philosophy or literature. There's virtually no job ad that specifies applicants must have specifically a philosophy or literature or history major.

Regarding your without honours friends...well I think that'd be a problem regardless of major.

I'm not a psychology major but been job hunting for civil service jobs and those are my observations from scouring the job ads for months now.
You see, the problem is EVERYONE knows that. It doesnt take a monkey to know that psych is one of the more useful arts/humanities majors behind econs. But BECAUSE everyone knows that, everyone heads for psych degrees. Why? Simple. In terms of degrees, you could say that there are three tiers of difficulties. At the top would be engin and sciences. 2nd would be biz/acct. 3rd would be the arts/humans/social sciences. Im ignoring medicine/law for now. Anyone would want to do something easy BUT also profitable. Hence they choose the most 'useful' social science degree, thus the large numbers of students taking psychology. Look at the numbers that NTU takes in for psych, its more than English or sociology or History. Same goes to NUS FASS. Most FASS students want to major in econs or psych. Lastly, look at the private institutes. They DONT even offer things like philosophy or literature or Histoy or Linguistics because students want to do psych instead. Yes, there are MORE jobs for psych grads then there are for literature or philosophy grads. Definitely. However, the proportion of psych grads graduating severely outnumbers the number of positions that are available here. Heck, even Chinese Literature has a higher employment rate than psychology :


Its smart of FASS not to publish the employment rates of their different majors though.
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