Forums - View Single Post - Salary as a TSO in Poly
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 19-11-2014, 08:45 PM
Posts: n/a

TSO, like in many educational institutions here, are placed under the Administrative, and not Academic group.

That means they are also roped in for all kinds of admin duties, especially during endless events year-round like open house, sec school visits, graduation, VIP visit, etc. All this beyond their technical specialty or main job scope of running a lab or workshop.

Even when they do their lab or workshop duty well, giving good support to the Academic / lecturers group, the grateful or appreciative acad staff can't do much to recommend or credit them, because the TSOs are all under a different group!! (admin - that includes the usual office general admin, buyers, etc.)

As in any PS or CS job, I don't recommend young people going for this... your skills stagnate and eventually you'll be stuck there. The job is actually quite 'iron rice bowl' - despite the contract - and that's actually the problem!
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