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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 14-11-2014, 02:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by hmlimzzz View Post
Applied around 2nd week of Oct and received the call on a Sat 1st Nov.
Not my first choice though. Mine preferred was physics/maths (sec) but offered PE/Maths (sec). The other option on offer was Pri (General). From what the recruiter said, for this current recruitment (Oct-Nov), mainly for Pri (Gen), not much vacancies for sec.
Thanks for the update.

A friend applied and was offered PE (Secondary) also, even though it's not his first choice. He didn't take it up in the end as he was firm on the subjects he chose, but I guess they are also looking for PE teachers for this batch.

Anyway, interesting that they called you on a Saturday. Wouldn't expect to receive such calls on a Saturday, so I guess good to note for those applying not to dismiss unknown numbers calling you on weekends!
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