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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 21-10-2014, 04:46 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by boongaylim View Post
I am negotiating a job as a consultant in one of the Big 4. Can someone tell me more about their benefits, so that I can negotiate the salary more effectively? They are offering me 1 year contract, renewable.
Do they pay for some of the job-related training programs that I may attend in Singapore? If so, I can settle for a slightly lower salary.
What about their medical benefits? Is the family covered?
The more I know, better I can negotiate with HR.
I am also confuse over the title like the rest, base on above post i assume u r talking about the Big 4 auditors instead?

If u have a proper job now, my advice is not to take up a contract role.

If u r unemployed for some time already, my advice is just accept and grab whatever that is offered.

I was once a contractor in KPMG as well, all I can say is they treat all jr staff regardless of perm/contract like revolving doors. You happy accept and work, not happy just get lost cauz there is usually another 10 desperate candidates they can call up.

No point talking about training & development cauz they really dun care about these at this level since turnover is so high. I can't remember KPMG's medical for contract cauz I seldom use it and probably only a thousand dollars worth a year at most.

If u r unemployed, important thing is to get something in the CV. At least give u a chance to convert to perm in the future or use this to look for another job when contract end.
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