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  #5584 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2014, 09:03 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
You jealous I work less hours and earn more than you?

Indeed, there are people in this forum who are jealous of the achievement of others. They try to console themselves, for their own under achievement, by saying those successful ones as liars, etc.

Let me share you my story.

I was a top gangster in the drug industry. I worked hard, got promoted and made good money. Instead of spending my big bonuses on expensive cars, guns and women, I invested my hard earned money in marijuana plantations and cocaine labs. In 2009, when others were scared like hell, I invested and my returns were many folds.

Today, at a young age of 45, I am retired from my career. My multi million global drug production provides me with passive income to feed my family comfortably. I now spend my time managing my gang and doing charity work to help the poor and needy. I keep fit by spending my time in my condo gym and pool.

There are people in this forum who are jealous about me retiring young, as they themselves are still struggling working in their fifties.
Congrats, you are doing very well as a Drug Lord. As you stay in a condo you are in the top 1% of the Singaporean population. By having multiple streams of income you will be very well set for retirement.

Most importantly you do not womanise or manise and you are doing charity work to help the poor and needy. You should also try to be a mentor for the promising young gangsters in your gang and give them useful career advice whenever you can.
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