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  #3984 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2014, 10:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Singaporean couple in late 30s, 2 young kids, live in 5rm hdb, driving a 5yr-old 1.6L car. Both hdb and car paid up.
Combined annual income around 250k
Can save 50% as we don't spend on branded goods often once we had kids.
Generally, we are ok, though there is always worry about future retirement as well as medical costs and our children's education costs. That's the stress we face mostly. But life is good regardless if we put things in perspective; we have 2 wonderful kids, we are still healthy, we have good friends and family relationships. Nothing to complain about. Just have to be financially prudent and plan ahead, and don't depend on others.
As we approach our 40s, the prospects of retrenchment gets more real. So we try to minimize luxury expenses to save up while we are young and earning good income. We work our a$$ off too, but always eat healthy and exercise.
Our goal is to ensure we don't become financial burden to our kids when we grow old
Upgrading to a condo is in the plan, not for luxury living, but more of a way to have a property to earn rental when we grow old. Will want to keep the hdb as long as we can as it was bought at very low price, so rental returns are good.

Many of the posts here look very exaggerated, but I do believe there are many high earners in SG. I have neighbors driving Porsches, Lexus, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguars, all parked in our hdb MCP. So cannot imagine those who live in condo, even richer.
I don't envy or have sour grapes, but I do like to hear how they made it if they are willing to share, so we can all prosper!
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