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  #3803 (permalink)  
Old 25-03-2014, 07:48 AM
Posts: n/a

The following could be the reasons why the upper class (in terms of wealth) don't share their stories here :

1. This is a no name, anonymous forum, way beneath them to waste their time here
2. They are already in the news through their business, investment ventures (like that someone who wanted to buy Liverpool), social magazines etc. They dont lack publicity
3. They are elected figures and thus it will be in very bad taste if they boast about their high incomes. If they do that they know they will become private figures very soon.
4. They don't want to draw attention to themselves for privacy and security reasons like what happened to the supermarket chain owner's mother.

But I can tell you, they also want to tell the world their stories, but on their terms and in the "right" forum. To them, they crave a bigger audience. For eg. every sunday, the Sunday Times would feature some successful business person sharing their stories.

There is nothing wrong for people to want to share their journey to wealth stories here. In fact some are quite inspiring. What spoilt the sharing was the many false and outlandish posts from losers. I pity them because they will feel low about themselves as they realize what they earn and what they lied about are never going to match up.

Many can attain some level of wealth if they can remain in employment continuously, have disciplined saving, invest and have patience. I see many fresh graduates already starting with salary levels that I took 4 -5 years to reach when I graduated about 30 years ago. So if I could grow my wealth to more than $5m today, I don't see why many of them could not. In fact I expect most of them to exceed this level of wealth when they reached their 50s.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I see from this thread there are many well-to-do (not rich, ONLY well-to-do) but self-absorbed people. Many speak as if they are sharing their stories out of kindness, but it is actually out of vanity and their need for constant validation. The posts are screaming: 'Look at me! I am smart! I am successful! Don't you all agree? Hmm?'

Nothing wrong with making loads of money or being rich, but some of you have to realise that nobody really gives a **** about your small condos and modest savings, except probably yourselves. The people I know who own GCBs and have trust funds don't talk about what they have the way you do.

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