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  #3790 (permalink)  
Old 21-03-2014, 09:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Obviously you have not met the right kind of rich people. Actually contrary to what you think, people who "drink, smoke, womanise, party and all sorts of sinful activities" are not the wealthy ones. How to get rich with these frivolous spendings? Just ask yourself.

The rich I know are typically frugal, hardworking and shrewd in their investment. And why they dont want to stop working is because once they tasted success, they want more. They get excited when they see their investment multiplying not from womanising or drinking and smoking and those other mindless vices.

I am sure you are aware that the average guy patronises the casinos, the rich guy owns them. The average guy holidays in resorts, the rich guy owns them.

Get it?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Many of these people who have so much wealth will spend them on drinking, gluttoning, partying, womanising, smoking, gambling and all sorts of sinful activities ... all these will not make them happy but will make them more depressed.

Happiness is not to have many possessions but to be contented with what you have. Wealth can be a curse for those who do not know how to use it. Only if you use your wealth to help others in need, feed the poor and homeless, house the orphans, etc, then you will be happy.

But the ultimate happiness to have the belief in the One and Only Creator and to be true to the DEEN.
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