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  #3623 (permalink)  
Old 16-02-2014, 10:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Congratulations. Now is the time to smell the roses.

As you mentioned you still need to tutor your kids, I presumed you are in your early 50s? If you are, and your kids are still in secondary or primary school level, I hope you have done thorough planning to ensure your finances can last the distance. What happens when wife also retires? Will your savings be enough then?

Just to share, I have done my retirement calculations, and concluded that my wife and I can only retire at 60 minimum, even with our children currently in the Uni.

Here are some factors / questions that we considered that shaped our conclusion:

1. Are we willing to downgrade when we retire? We answered no. We are currently staying in a condo. So in our calculation, we factored in ever increasing fees (MCST fees) to continue staying in condo.
2. Will we be giving up our car? Again we said no. We thus need to factor in 2 x purchase of cars (each to last 10 years) till we are in our 80s.
3. Do we want to conitnue traveling? This is a definite yes because when retired, we will have more time for traveling especially during initial years of retirement.
4. children's education? For us, the Uni fees worry will be over soon. So we didn't include this
5. Medical fees? We put a high weightage on this one in terms of savings requirement.
6. Impact of inflation on cost of living. Doing this calculation really opened up our eyes to the crippling effect of inflation over the 25 - 30 years that we expected to live in retirement.

To cut the story short, the calculation showed that we would need $2.5m (not counting the primary residence) to maintain our current lifestyle for 25- 30 years after retiring at 60. It would be $3m if retire at 55.

by the way, the above are just financial considerations. An equally important factor is what to do with your free time?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi good morning all Singaporeans,

I want to share with you a good news. I am now RETIRED :-)

After working so hard, long hours, lack of sleep, and worsening health, I have now accumulated enough for me to retire for good. I finally am a millionaire, a status which I never thought was possible in the past as I came from a low income family. The Singapore system allowed me to progression life, in my education sand career. I am deeply grateful for being a Singaporean.

Now, I no longer have any mortgage loan or car loan. I paid off the loans. My 3 bedroom condo, which is worth $1.2m, is paid up and my European car loan is paid off.

My assets now generate a good passive income and together with my wife's salary, we earn $180k pa. We save $70k pa.

I now spend my time trading stocks, tutoring my kids (saves a lot on tuition fees) and most importantly being there for my kids. I am able to nurture them into good people. I have also time to further my knowledge about the universe, about who we are and the true meaning of life on this temporary world. I also exercise at the condo gym and swim in the condo pool. I also volunteers at charities.

I feel very blessed and happy. I also hope to be healthier and live a long blessed life.

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