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  #3137 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2013, 01:55 PM
Posts: n/a

If happiness is important to you, which should be to all of us, my advice to you is not to compare with others. And don't visit forums like this one.

You will find that many people will outstrip you in terms of wealth. As you age, you will see younger and younger people overtake you financially, while you keep looking for ways to cut down your expenses and think constantly about downgrading your home and lifestyle.

A life lived like a hermit just to save a few dollars is not meaningful

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I earn $88k pa doing my trading and investing. My spouse earns $110k as a salaried person. As a millionaire in my 40s, I enjoy having the personal freedom to do my own trading and investing. I no longer need to take care a team, which drains me physically and emotionally. I forgo the $200k pa position to pursue my passion. I value my personal freedom more than the position. I am able to do this because I no longer need to worry about any debt as my penthouse is paid up and I have no other debt. Our combined income of $188k pa is more than enough for us as we only spend $90k pa. My net worth is pretty decent and I am happy with myself for my wealth accumulation achievements so far.
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