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  #3136 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2013, 09:06 PM
Posts: n/a

Congratulations. Pursue your dreams and passion. Be happy and live a life you enjoy. Don't be a slave of others. Don't need to care what society thinks. Don't be a fool who slave away, dragging their feet to work just because he wants people to think highly of himself. Don't be a prisoner of your insecurities. You are a real man, I salute you.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I earn $88k pa doing my trading and investing. My spouse earns $110k as a salaried person. As a millionaire in my 40s, I enjoy having the personal freedom to do my own trading and investing. I no longer need to take care a team, which drains me physically and emotionally. I forgo the $200k pa position to pursue my passion. I value my personal freedom more than the position. I am able to do this because I no longer need to worry about any debt as my penthouse is paid up and I have no other debt. Our combined income of $188k pa is more than enough for us as we only spend $90k pa. My net worth is pretty decent and I am happy with myself for my wealth accumulation achievements so far.
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