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  #1707 (permalink)  
Old 30-10-2013, 08:39 AM
Posts: n/a

I feel small when I read about all the rich forumers here, with multi million net worth. I am but a 30 year old nobody, a cog in the wheel, so to speak. I own a humble HDB flat which I bought cheap, a BTO flat. Its MOP will reach next year. Its value has almost doubled from my purchase price. I aspire to sell it next year and hope to get a profit of $300k. I will use my profit plus my savings to pay for the downpayment of a $900k condo in the West region and loan about $500k for 30 years.

My wife and I now earn a combined income of $140k pa and we should be able to finance our mortgage comfortably since we don't own a car nor do we have a maid. We do the house chores together and buy food from hawker centres. We plan to stay in the condo till we are 60 years old and then we will sell it and buy a one bedroom studio HDB aprtment for the elderly. The net cash proceeds will be used to buy annuities for me and my wife. Our current net worth is only $400k and we hope it will reach $2m by the time we hit 60. Our net worth will not likely hit $8m, unlike so many forumers here.
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