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Old 24-09-2013, 12:01 AM
jobhunter1234 jobhunter1234 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dean View Post
The job of HR is to push salary as low as possible. They answer to the company for keeping HR overheads in check - That's a reality.

Agreed with another forum user who mentioned that the health care industry is not the best place if you are aiming on making big bucks, unless, of course you are a doctor.
Yea. I agree that doctors are possibly the most well-paid aside from the top management team. However, do take note that average doctors are not as highly paid as you think they are. In actual fact, only those who slogged hard enough or those specialized in their areas of expertise i.e. specialists or consultants are the high earners. If you look at the salary of average doctors with reference to their working hours, I'll say their salary is pathetic coupled with the responsibility that comes with the job. Just make a simple observation, if govt hospitals pay so well to the average doctors, why forever our hospitals have lack of doctors and even NTU has to open a new medical school? If we could evenly distribute the existing number of doctors, I believe we'll have enough doctors in each hospital. So, what happened to the doctors? 1. Upon completing their liability/bond, most moved to private hospitals with better salary and working hours. 2. Those who are more financially equipped will start their own clinics (Just look at how many clinics we have in close proximity within a neighbourhood). Thus, it all sum up that our healthcare budget is lacking to attract and retain the doctors. It is a vicious cycle; more doctors leave local hospitals and the remaining doctors have to shoulder the heavier workload. NTU opening another medical school will only cause more clinics to be opened, or otherwise, more doctors jumping over to private hospitals if our healthcare budget does not increase to pay these doctors. 2 cents
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