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  #1249 (permalink)  
Old 15-08-2013, 02:20 PM
Posts: n/a

What assurance are you talking about? How can he or anyone give you assurance on your financial viability over your plan to retire?

Think you posted a few times saying the same thing over and over.

If your health is bad, do the right thing. Remember, you cannot bring anything with you when you go. Don't know why you need to ask for advice for such things.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Thanks for the assurance. Yes, I thought so too. My health is getting worse due to the high stress and unhealthy lifestyle.

I'm happy with the yield of my two condos as they are more than 10% based on my purchase price. The locations of these condos are excellent and their value will only appreciate further due to the location. In 10 years time, I expect them to go en bloc. By then my investment fund should be about $5m or more.

I will need to slowly hand over my projects and retire in 6 months time.

Thanks a lot for the advice.

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