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  #1156 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2013, 09:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My wife and I are in our early 60's. We have just retired. We live in a big HDB flat which we bought for $80k many years ago and now it is worth $800k. Our investment in the flat has grown by 10 times, so we strongly support our country's asset enhancement policy. We will give our flat to our son when we both die.

We are both very keen savers and over the years, our CPF and cash grew to about $1m each. While many of our friends incur more debt by upgrading to landed and condos, we stick to our HDB flat. These friends are still working because they don't have much cash savings and they can't bring themselves to downgrade to public housing due to face issue. They also buy big cars while we use public transport. Today, my wife and I are retiring comfortably from the monthly payout of our annuities. $1m each of annuity gives a decent amount every month.
May I know how much is the monthly payout from a 1m annuity?
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