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  #1137 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2013, 08:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Don't make that mistake. Give your son's family their space to lead their lives, especially when they have been staying without you.

At 65, you may still be able to help look after their children (your grandchildren). But once the children grow up, you will become an eyesore in their house. Worst, if the children have to share room because you are occupying one of the rooms, they will resent you.

Stay in your own home, give them their space and maintain your own independence. They can come visit weekly.
Thanks for the advice. I think we will sell my HDB flat at $950k and then buy a smaller, less prime HDB flat for $300k. We can then buy annuities with the rest of $650k plus CPF and other savings of $300k. With about $900k, the annuity plan can give quite a good monthly payout. Any advice where I can get the best annuity? How do you calculate the monthly payout from the annuity?
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