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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 17-06-2013, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I don't think 28 yo is "falling behind". It is quite common for many male Singaporeans to start work in the 27/28 age.

NS used to be 2.5 years. By the time they enter university, it is about 21-22 yo. Graduating from a basic 4 years degree will bring him to 25-26 years old. Some people choose to do a master degree or maybe even 5 years double degree and that will easily place that guy in the 27-28 yo age before entering job market. Moreover, people don't get a job immediately after applying.
28 is falling behind, remember TS wants to join foreign MNC bank. A typical MNC bank associate (Non-MAP) does not start from ground zero with no experience at the age of 28. His counterparts will all be 21-22 for girls or 24-25 for guys.

Most associate/analyst level people would have already reached AVP level by 28, girls might even hit VP due to starting ealer. The age alone is not the killer, if you ask me the biggest killer besides the poor academics is his 3-4 years of unemployment.

No matter what you say, having 3-4 years of freelance tutoring and travelling around the world does not add up well. Many people have difficuly explaining a 1 year unemployment gap, 3-4 years is trouble big time.

It also does not make sense to compare a 28 year old with a full time Masters degree graduate with a 28 year old who only has a distance learning part time Bachelor's degree he got while doing a mish mash of tuition assignments when not holidaying.
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