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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-2013, 03:05 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
A word for TS. Due to nature of forums, please read every comment with caution and thinking (including mine). And a word for fellow forumers, a person who opens a thread is someone who is highly interested to know about something! He isn't just posting as a unregistered.

How do you rate your own performance relative to people in the same company as you? Are there many who are better than you? Are there people who came in a year or more later than you but received the increment to associate?

Assuming you are an average performer, I'm guessing it's due to the market. I feel many of the people in forums are trolling. Someone here even doubt your lack of bonus, which proves he's not in this industry. Being someone in similar position as you, i understand exactly what you are going through. My coy has been freezing headcounts, and we are lucky not to be retrenched. Hidden rule in my coy is not to expect promotions this year (unless you are exceptional)

Think of it this way, we work in a pyramid, with the analyst filling the base. we can't have a pyramid with the mid level wider than the base, the base level is always important. Since market is not moving, the pyramid can't grow. Can't grow means x amount of associate will remain as x amount of associate. You will only have a shot if an associate leaves, but what are the odds? Unless you are a high performer, otherwise wait out.

Your pay is good, it's normal for humans to crave for more. The title is under-rated, yes. Jobscopes of associate and analyst are almost similar. But you need the promotion! Got to think of your future, you can't job hop like this! You will merely jobhop to another analyst position in another BB and you will start all over again!
Unless you got powerful friends to pull you to a higher position, otherwise don't!

Drop hints to your immediate superior. I'm guessing a rather good r/s between him/her with you.

Give your company some time. The market needs recovery. Only then the market will grow, pyramid will expand, and your probability of advancing is higher.
You're too quick in jumping to conclusion. I'm the guy who doubted his lack of bonus and I have doubts about whether you and the ts are actually holding front office roles at all. What do you guys consider as front office positions? Looking at your post, I have this feeling that you guys only work with the FO desks but are not actually holding onto FO roles yourselves.
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